Frequently Asked Questions

Will GC Get You?

No, GC is a fictional character.  He won't "get you".  But he may "get" your woman.  And he will definitely get in your face - when you read his stories.  But even though GC is a fictional character - do you owe him money?  Are you messin' wit Porkbutt?  It won't hurt to buy a whole mess of Real Deal Comix comic books. 

When was the first issue published?

In 1990. It would have been published earlier, but the printers were on a six-month drunken binge.

Where can I get issues that are sold out?

You can't get the individual issues, but you can get the hardcover - it contains issues 1-7.

What time period does the Planet Dregs exist?

Do the R Team practice Yoga? 

No, but they will insult your momma.

Can I write to GC? 

No, but you can subscribe the the Real Deal Comix Newsletter here. 

Where can I find GC? 

Nobody finds GC; he finds you - if he wants to.  

What does GC stand for? 

In ghetto slang, GC stands for Gangster Cool.    Â